سمت: ریاست انجمن در استان البرز

مشخصات فردی

نام و نام خانوادگی:                           behnaz Ganji namin

ایمیل دانشگاهی:                         ganji.namin@kiau.ac.ir

ایمیل شخصی:                        behnazganji@yahoo.com

مشخصات تحصیلی

دانشگاه مقطع کارشناسی:            دانشکده تربیت بدنی و علوم ورزشی واحد کرج

دانشگاه مقطع کارشناسی ارشد:     تهران

دانشگاه مقطع دکترا:                  تهران

مرتبه علمی:                             استادیار

میزان سابقه:                           17 سال

زمینه های مورد علاقه تحقیقاتی:

  • پروتکل های اصلاحی
  • تکنیک های نوین در حرکات اصلاحی
  • پیشگیری از آسیب های ورزشی

چند نمونه از سمت ها و فعالیت ها:

  • گواهی نامه ثبت اختراع با عنوان: صندلی اصلاح سندرم متقاطع فوقانی
  • عضو کمیته ی علمی دوازدهمین، یازدهمین، دهمین و نهمین همایش بین المللی تربیت بدنی وعلوم ورزشی
  • مشاور مدیرکل ورزش و جوانان استان البرز (1395-1393)
  • کارشناس پایگاه قهرمانی استان البرز(1394-1379)
  • کارشناس حرکات اصلاحی و توانبخشی ورزشی در هیات پزشکی ورزشی استان البرز(1394-1379)
  • مسئول هیات ژیمناستیک کرج(1385-1383)
  • عضو مجمع هیات پزشکی-ورزشی استان البرز از سال 1390
  • نایب رییس هیات ورزش بیماران خاص و پیوند اعضا استان البرز(از سال 1395)

خلاصه ای از آخرین و مهم ترین فعالیت های پژوهشی:

  • The correlation of selected functional tests with noncontact sports injuries in elite male wushu players
    Abbas ghafouri, fariba mohamadi, behnaz ganji
    Physical Treatments - Specific Physical Therapy Journal/in press
  • The effect of eight weeks aquatic therapy on Quality of life, movement function and pain in individual with fibromyalgia
    Mohsen sajedi sabegh, Mohammad Hosein Nasermelli,behnaz ganji namin
    J Rehab Med. 2020; 8(4): 30-38
    DOI: 10.22037/JRM.2020.112845.2269
  • The effect of trunk kinesio taping on static and dynamic balance and functional mobility in children with cerebral palsy
    Bahar Partoazar, behnaz ganji, Hamid Dalvand, Alireza Shamsoddini
    Sport Sci Health, 2020.
    DOI: 10.1007/s11332-020-00660-4
  • Effect of Eight Weeks of Core Stability and Acupuncture on Pain and Disability in Middle Age Females with Non-Specific Chronic Low Back Pain
    Zahra Bagheri, Mohammad Hosein Nasermelli, behnaz ganji
    J Rehab Med. 2019; 8(4): 30-38
    DOI: 10.22037/JRM.2019.111423.1982
  • Electromyographic analysis in elite swimmers with shoulder pain during a functional task
    Elnaz Sabzehparvar, behnaz ganji, Omid A Khaiyat, Hooman Minoonejad
    Journal of Sports Biomechanics, 2019 Apr 18:1-11.
  • The Effect of 8 Weeks of Dynamic Neuromuscular Stability (DNS) Exercises on the Performance and Quality of Men and Women's Life with Apoplexy (Stroke)
    Nazanin Benfiry, behnaz ganji, Saeed Shah Beigi
    Egyptian Academic Journal of Biological Sciences, E. Medical Entom. & Parasitology, 2018, 10(1): 83-93
    DOI: 10.21608/EAJBSE.2018.14464
  • Effect of corrective exercises on cervicogenic headache in office workers with forward head posture
    Meysam nobari, Seyyed asaullah arsalan, Mohammadreza hadian, behnaz ganji
    Journal of modern rehabilitation, 2017, 11(4)201-208
  • Comparing the effect of core stability exercises and ●Electrotherapy on nonspecific chronic low back pain in mother assistants working mentally or physical retarded children wards
    Nasrin Fouladi, behnaz ganji , Yahya Sokhangoei
    Journal of Modern Rehabilitation, 2017, 11, 1, 63-70.
    Doi: 10.18869/nirp.jmr.11.1.63
  • The effect of 8 weeks of yoga selected exercises on pain and functional disability in Women with non-specific chronic low back pain
    kokab masoudi sabet, behnaz ganji namin, mohsen dehghani
    Journal for Research in Sport Rehabilitation, 2017; 5(9): 25-35
    Doi: 10.22084/rsr.2017.10510.1235
  • The effects of functional training on pain, function, and performance in taekwondo players with mechanical low back pain
    Pouya Rabiei, Behnaz Ganji Namin, Mohammad Hosein Nasermelli, Omid Marjomaki, Vahid Mazloum
    Journal of Health 09(08):1176-1189 • January 2017,
  • The Effect of Isometric and Isotonic Exercises of Lower Limbs Extensor Sling on Static and Dynamic Balance in Basketball Players with Patellofemoral Pain
    Seyedehzahra Salamifar, Mohammad Hossein Nasermeli
    , Behnaz Ganji Namin
    Journal of Health 09(10):1355-1366 • January 2017, DOI: 10.4236/health.2017.910099
  • The relationship between static posture with pain and musculoskeletal injuries in Canadian caneo sailing national team
    Shabnam Siahmansouri, Behnaz Ganji, Mohammad Hosein Naser Melli
    International journal of ecosystems and ecology sciences (ijees), 2017, 7 (4):797-806
  • Short and long term effects of three exercise therapy programs targeting knee, hip and combined in females with patellofemoral pain syndrome
    Ahmad Salimzadeh, Behnaz Ganji, Mohammad hosein Alizadeh, Reza Rajabi
    Journal of sport medicine studies , fall 2015-winter 2016, 18: 43-66
  • The effect of strengthening of hip abductor and external rotator muscles on pain and function in women with patellofemoral pain syndrome
    Behnaz Ganji, Mohammad hosein Alizadeh, Ahmad Salimzadeh Reza Rajabi, Esmail Ebrahimi Takamejani
    Journal for Research in Sport Rehabilitation, 2015; 2(4): 1-10.
  • Relationship between the incidence of sport injuries in lower limbs and fitness factors in female footsul player
    Nasim Pilevar , Ahmad Hemat-far , Behnaz Ganji
    European Journal of Experimental Biology, 2012, 2 (4):1018-22
  • Reliability and validity of New York test in measuring spinal column curves
    Behnaz Ganji, Mohammad hosein nasermelli, Mohammad hosein Alizadeh
    Journal of physical education and sport science, 2009, 1(4):2
  • The effect of 8 weeks exercises consist assessment balance, power, proprioceotion in children with spastic cerebral palsy with valgus knee and intoeing gait
    Samaneh shakiba, mohamah hosein nasermelli, behnaz ganji namin
    The 4th national conference on applied research in physical education, sport science and championships
    Kharazmi University
    2020 Tehran -Iran
    COI code: PESSO04_070
  • Construction, validity and reliability of pneumatic exercise-training device with the approach of corrective and therapeutic exercises (in the field of sport injuries and corrective exercises)
    Pardis vatankhaah, Behnaz Ganji Namin, Mohammad Hossein Nasser Melli,
    The 1’st national conference on sports science with engineering approach
    Isfahan, Ministry of Science - Isfahan University of Technology
    2019 Isfahan -Iran
    COI code: PETEC01_023
  • The effect of 8 weeks Dynamic Neuromuscular Stabilization (DNS) exercises on the function, quality of life and the risk of falling in elderly women
    Atena NorouzI, Mohammad Hossein Naser Melli, behnaz ganji
    The 11th International Congress of Sport Science
    Ministry of Science, Research and Technology, Sport Sciences Research Institute
    2018 Tehran, Iran
    DOI: 10.22089/11thconf.2018.1657
  • The effect of PNF training on knee joint position sense, balance and hamstring length in girls with hamstring shortness
    Farzaneh ahmadi, Mohammad Hossein Naser Melli, behnaz ganji
    The 11th International Congress of Sport Science
    Ministry of Science, Research and Technology, Sport Sciences Research Institute
    2018 Tehran, Iran
    DOI: 10.22089/11thconf.2018.1277
  • Effect of Selected Exercise Protocol on Nurses Suffered from Pain and Deformity in the Upper Quarter of the Body
    Shiva mohamadi, Mohammad Hossein Naser Melli, behnaz ganji
    The 11th International Congress of Sport Science
    Ministry of Science, Research and Technology, Sport Sciences Research Institute
    2018 Tehran, Iran
    DOI: 10.22089/11thconf.2018.1259
  • Effect of selected exercise protocol on range of motion and joint position sense of upper quarter of body in nurses
    baharak ravandi, Mohammad Hossein Naser Melli, behnaz ganji
    The 11th International Congress of Sport Science
    Ministry of Science, Research and Technology, Sport Sciences Research Institute
    2018 Tehran, Iran
    DOI: 10.22089/11thconf.2018.1258
  • Validity and reliability of Android phone-based joint angle measurement
    Elaheh Sheykhan, behnaz ganji, Mohammad Hossein Naser Melli
    The 11th International Congress of Sport Science
    Ministry of Science, Research and Technology, Sport Sciences Research Institute
    2018 Tehran, Iran
    DOI: 10.22089/11thconf.2018.1251
  • Relationship between playing history and some anthropometric measures with pain, health risks and musculoskeletal disorders in pianists
    Neda Kabini, Behnaz Ganji, Amir Sarshin
    The 1’st national conference on the accomplishments of sport science and health
    Abadan University of medical Sciences
    2017 Abadan-Iran
    COI: ASSH01_172
  • Comparison of trapezoidal muscle electromyographic activity in swimmers with and without shoulder and neck pain
    Elnaz Sabzehparvar, behnaz ganji, Hooman Minoonejad
    The 1’st international conference on modern research in sports science and physical education
    Hamadan Islamic Azad University
    2017 Hamadan-Iran
    https://www.civilica.com/Paper-NRSSPE01 NRSSPE01_013.html
    COI: NRSSPE01_013
  • The effect of eight weeks of DNS training on some kinematic parameters of gait in children with cerebral palsy, diplegia
    Somaye karimi silikani, Mohammad Hossein Naser Melli
    , behnaz ganji
    The 1’st international conference on modern research in sports science and physical education
    Hamadan Islamic Azad University
    2017 Hamadan-Iran
    COI: NRSSPE01_055
  • The effect of eight weeks of DNS training on upper limb strength in children with cerebral palsy, diplegia
    Fahimeh Jalali, Mohammad Hossein Naser Melli
    , behnaz ganji
    The 1’st international conference on modern research in sports science and physical education
    Hamadan Islamic Azad University
    2017 Hamadan-Iran
    COI: NRSSPE01_099
  • The effect of a combined program on function in male Taekwondo athletes with chronic non-specific low back pain by NASM protocol
    Nasrin Marjomagi, Mohammad Hosein Naser Melli, Behnaz Ganji Namin
    The 10th International Congress of Sport Science
    Ministry of Science, Research and Technology, Sport Sciences Research Institute
    2017 Tehran-Iran
    DOI: 10.22089/10thconf.2017.35
  • The effect of 8 weeks functional training of global stabilizer subsystems on pain and functional disability of Taekwondo elite male athletes with chronic mechanical low back pain
    Pouya Rabiei, Behnaz Ganji Namin, Mohamad Hossein Nasermeli
    The 10th International Congress of Sport Science
    Ministry of Science, Research and Technology, Sport Sciences Research Institute
    2017 Tehran-Iran
    DOI: 10.22089/10thconf.2017.269
  • Study of relation between Violin playing history with pain prevalence and musculature abnormalities in violin players and presenting proposed protocol with the aim of correction (top oral presentation of congress)
    Rezvan Afkhami ardakani, Behnaz Ganji Namin, Mohammad Hosein Naser Melli
    The 10th International Congress of Sport Science
    Ministry of Science, Research and Technology, Sport Sciences Research Institute
    2017 Tehran-Iran
    DOI: 10.22089/10thconf.2017.323
  • The effect of eight week isometric and isotonic training of lower limb extensor muscle sling on the balance of female basketball players suffering from patellofemoral pain syndrome
    Seyede Zahra Salamifar, Mohammad Hosein Nasermelli, Behnaz Ganji Namin
    The 10th International Congress of Sport Science
    Ministry of Science, Research and Technology, Sport Sciences Research Institute
    2017 Tehran-Iran
    DOI: 10.22089/10thconf.2017.431
  • Survey of the effect of an eight week long correctional training using isometric and isotonic extensor lower muscle sling exercises on the pain and functional disability of female basketball players suffering from patellofemoral pain syndrome
    Sara Etemad, Mohammad Hosein Nasermelli, Behnaz Ganji Namin
    The 10th International Congress of Sport Science
    Ministry of Science, Research and Technology, Sport Sciences Research Institute
    2017 Tehran-Iran
    DOI: 10.22089/10thconf.2017.489
  • Effect of exercise and ergonomic interventions on musculoskeletal pain and work related risks in tailors
    Monire Ghanavati, Behnaz Ganji namin, Mohamad hossein Nasermeli, Mohamad Akhgar
    The 10th International Congress of Sport Science
    Ministry of Science, Research and Technology, Sport Sciences Research Institute
    2017 Tehran-Iran
    DOI: 10.22089/10thconf.2017.588
  • Effect of the 8 week functional training of through stabilizer subsystems on performance of taekwondo elite male athletes
    Pouya Rabiei, Behnaz Ganji Namin, Mohamad Hosein Nasermelli
    The 10th International Congress of Sport Science
    Ministry of Science, Research and Technology, Sport Sciences Research Institute
    2017 Tehran-Iran
    DOI: 10.22089/10thconf.2017.713
  • upper crossed syndrome corrective chair
    Behnaz Ganji Namin
    The 1’st Sport technology and equipment idea
    Ministry of Science, Research and Technology, Sport Sciences Research Institute
    Amirkabir University
    2016 Tehran-Iran
  • The relationship between static posture with pain and musculoskeletal injuries in Canadian caneo sailing national team
    Shabnam Siahmansouri, Behnaz Ganji, Mohammad Hosein Naser Melli
    The 5th international conference on humanities, psychology and social science
    2016 Singapore
  • The effect of eight weeks of DNS training on balance in women with multiple sclerosis
    Sima Zamani, Behnaz Ganji namin, Saeed Shahbeigi
    The 1’st national conference on sports science developments in the field of health, prevention and championship,
    Imam Khomeini International University
    2016 Qazvin-Iran
    Https: / /www.civilica.com/Paper-PESSO01-PESSO01_190.html
    COI code: PESSO01_190
  • Effect of eight weeks of DNS exercises on fatigue in women with M.S (top poster presentation award of congress)
    Sima Zamani, Behnaz Ganji namin, Saeed Shahbeigi
    The 9th International Congress of Sport Science
    Ministry of Science, Research and Technology, Sport Sciences Research Institute
    2016 Tehran-Iran
  • The effect of moderate fatigue on some kinetics parameters of walking in women with and without a history of wearing unstable shoes
    Seyedeh Ameneh torabi, Behnaz Ganji namin, Amir Sarshin
    The 9th International Congress of Sport Science
    Ministry of Science, Research and Technology, Sport Sciences Research Institute
    2016 Tehran-Iran
  • The effect of yoga exercises on fear of movement, pain intensity and function in women with chronic low back pain
    Kokab masoodi sabet, Behnaz ganji, Mohsen dehghani
    The 9th International Congress of Sport Science
    Ministry of Science, Research and Technology, Sport Sciences Research Institute
    2016 Tehran-Iran
  • Short- and Long-Term Effects of Three Exercise Therapy Protocols Targeting Knee, hip, and Combination in Women with Patellofemoral Pain Syndrome (top oral presentation award of congress)
    Behnaz Ganji, Ahmad Salimzadeh, Mohammad Hossein Alizadeh, Reza Rajabi
    The 8th International Congress of Sport Science
    Ministry of Science, Research and Technology, Sport Sciences Research Institute
    2015 Tehran-Iran
  • The effect of corrective exercises and posture training on some indicators of lower crossed syndrome in 10-12 years old girls
    Leila tahmouresi, Behnaz Ganji
    The 8th International Congress of Sport Science
    Ministry of Science, Research and Technology, Sport Sciences Research Institute
    2015 Tehran-Iran
  • Determining the validity of a non-invasive method in measuring lumbar lordosis in the standing position
    Behnaz Ganji, Mohammad Hossein Alizadeh
    The 5th International Congress of Sport Science
    Ministry of Science, Research and Technology, Sport Sciences Research Institute
    2006 Tehran-Iran
  •  Validity and reliability of the New York test in measuring spinal curves
    Behnaz Ganji, Mohammad Hossein Alizadeh
    The 4th International Congress of Sport Science
    Ministry of Science, Research and Technology, Sport Sciences Research Institute
    2006 Tehran-Iran
  • Evaluation of three treatment protocols for low back pain in housewives
    Mohammad Hossein Alizadeh, , ashcan ordibehesht, kazem nazmdeh, Behnaz Ganji
    The 4th International Congress of Sport Science
    Ministry of Science, Research and Technology, Sport Sciences Research Institute
    2006 Tehran-Iran